The cups represent our emotional body, on a physical sense and our energy auric field. As sentient beings we feel both consciously and unconsciously depending on what is happening to as at any given time.
The cups represent our emotional body, on a physical sense and our energy auric field. As sentient beings we feel both consciously and unconsciously depending on what is happening to as at any given time.
The wands represent the spiritual part of our physical being and aura. As part of our 4 pillars that support our wellbeing, the spiritual body holds gives us access to our spiritual library and hidden wisdom.
The Disks represent the physical body as well as the reflection in the aura. As part of our 4 pillars that support our wellbeing, the physical body holds blueprint of our health and wellbeing as well as our encoded DNA along with the chakra system.
The swords represent the mental part of our physical being and aura. As part of our 4 pillars that support our wellbeing, the mental body holds the key to our belief system both inherited and developed. We express our imagination through our mental body as well as our controlling aspects of our personality.