December is here at last and the Christmas rush is on! Mega sales, pounding the pavement to find that perfect gift or hours online cruising websites for that must have item. 

Christmas time can bring up all sorts of emotional and mental feelings, the rush of waiting in line with other busy shoppers or the frustration of waiting in line with other shoppers!  We are driven by advertising, pushing us towards the latest great sale – bargains to be had. This fills us with all sorts of “Feel Good hormones”, it is hard to ignore that adrenaline rush. It is all to easy to get caught up in the hormone thrill of it all. Are you in FOMO mode? – Fear of missing out.

Many years ago, back in my early 20s, Mike and I were completely broke at Christmas. Baked beans on toast was the meal of the day and I thought how lucky we were. That year there where no gifts or cards for family or friends and to be fair I have never looked back. We did not move back into the Christmas rush of spending money on gifts that were neither wanted of appreciated. JOMO -Joy of missing out.

Who are you?? FOMO or JOMO?
Do you get caught up in the festive frenzy or sit back and relax? This year more than ever, the view we have of our world has changed, we are prioritizing different things, I think here in NZ we are more appreciative of the simple things and freedoms which other countries are not experiencing. 

I feel it is important to give yourself permission to relax over the festive season, stick to your budget and work on keeping things simple. You will still have a great time but none of the stress.

On a personal note
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support over what has been a very unusual year. My newsletter is coming up for its 20th year! What a mile stone, sharing my thoughts and inspirations has invoked the most fantastic feedback from you, I truly do enjoy your emails letting me know what is happening in your life and how my newsletter sometimes pops into your email box with just the right message.

Have an amazing Christmas and New year period where ever you are located in the world and plan for 2021 and the new era we are moving into.