Soul Retrieval Transmission
Our Soul it constantly extending its energy to those around us, this process is cord connections. Whilst most cord connections are healthy and loving some cord connections can become toxic and damaging. We call upon our Angels to cut those cords to ensure the connection is broken, however we still have a connection through our soul.
Those repeating memories is our consciousness and Soul telling us the healing is not quite finished and we need to move deeper into our healing journey to truly disconnect and become hole. Many cultures around the world perform some sort of Soul retrieval, this transmission for Lady Lyra is specifically for your Soul healing, her tone, sound and song will attract your soul fragments back to your body for a complete healing.
Light Language is our Soul expression in tone, sound and song. My guide Lady Lyra is part of a group consciousness who wish for us to experience our true soul essence through sound healing.
Phyllis and Lady Lyra
I first channelled Lady Lyra when downloading the Arcturain Light Healing course at Lake Tekapo, New Zealand. The Arcturians are a light consciousness first brought forth by Edgar Casey. They are here to help us in our physical form and to unlock stored DNA intelligence held within our bodies.
The tones, sounds and song Lady Lyra brings forth can be quite powerful, when participating in this meditation please ensure you are in a quiet space and completely supported during the process.