Psychic Development online teacher training Course – Overview
The aim of the course is to give your students a clear path to understanding their Clair senses. The modules will help them understand their psychic gifts and how to develop them deeper through the tools and exercises within each module.
* Please note that tools needed for each module are not provided, you will need access to dowers, tea leaves, ribbon set, crystal ball, tarot cards and oracle cards. To best understand the course having these tools will encourage your psychic gifts to come to the fore, also participating in the webinars and video classes within the course modules will give you a better understanding of how to connect to your psychic gifts.
The Opus Soul Teacher Training Program
Become a teacher with Opus Soul and help your friends, family and like minded people enjoy the journey you have taken whilst participating in your course. Being a Teacher with Opus Soul is a rewarding development in your spiritual development whilst creating a spiritual based business, all teacher courses are online self guided course. Certification is given upon completion of the course content, course manuals are provided but tools need for class teachers must provide while teaching product.
Souls Journey Teacher.
Tarot Reading Teacher.
Crystal 101 and 201 Teacher
Arcturian light healing 101 and 201 Teacher