A Souls Journey video course

About Course

Feel connected to everything around you

The Chakra system holds the secret to manifesting, healing, and living. Our journey into this system opens us up to new opportunities, and opens doors that were previously closed!

Combining the Chakra system with how the Planets support and help us, and using the energy of the crystal kingdom, will give you the keys to unlock your true potential.

Let your soul be guided through this journey and you will find yourself taking positive steps to change and seeing the results in your life.

If you are an intuitive healer or Reiki practitioner, this course will also enable you to gain a deeper understanding of your client’s healing process within the Chakra system.



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What Will You Learn?

  • The Soul’s Journey Course enables you to:
  • Develop a deep connection with your Chakra system
  • Understand the connection between the energy of the universe and the Planets
  • Understand crystals and how they help heal the Chakra system
  • Open up to the emotional support of each Chakra
  • Understand how the soul chooses the journey we are on
  • Develop a deep understanding of the elements and locations of the earth Chakra system
  • Support yourself in making life changing decisions
  • Open up your intuitive gifts to help you understand your soul path
  • Heal the karmic past to create a better future

Course Content

Introduction to the Souls Journey

  • As Above – So Below!!
  • Ascension Titles – Names You May Know

Gaia Gateway

Earth Star

Base Charka

Sacral Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Heart Chakra

Throat Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

Crown Chakra

Causal Chakra

Soul Star Chakra

Stellar Gateway Chakra

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