Our lives in the digital age have become condensed and manipulated to such and extent we are constantly seeking approval, acting out and giving over to much of ourselves to others. In an age of instant satisfaction, we have forgotten how to switch off and just breath! 

I for one can get caught up in reacting to demands being made upon me and I have to consciously switch off and set boundaries to ensure I have some time that is private and of value to me. 

In talking to my clients, it seems many have been really pushed to the extreme end of the wedge so to speak. They are feeling overwhelmed, blindsided and in some cases just plain exhausted. This has left them feeling powerless and out of balance within may aspects of their life. Personally I feel that giving yourself permission to switch off has to be a conscious act, not something to be put off but added to your day/evening/week or weekend. 

How do you get balance back you may ask? Set out some perimeters for your recharge time, schedule it into your mobile device even as a reminder. Your recharge practice could be a short meditation, sitting in the car for 5mins before heading into the office these are all small steps that can bring balance into your life. 

We as humans can’t run 100% for 100% of the time, we need time to decompress and reflect. When we give ourselves time to decompress we gain new insights into our situations and can find the space we need expand our energy into new ways of being. 

Life balance is a personal thing, there is no right of wrong, just be sure you find some time for yourself each day – is it time to put yourself first? 

Enjoy the rest of November and I will see you in December.   

Blessings to you all